Recent Posts

(PORTFOLIO -) More About ‘The Boss’

(PORTFOLIO -) One Of Our Biggest Logistics Project Sites For Annual Events

(PORTFOLIO -) Our Virtual Reality And Experience Simulator Products And Inventions

(PORTFOLIO – ) Our Textile Construction Projects For Mass Public Exposure Promotions

(PORTFOLIO -) Mega Concerts And Major Events We Produced And/Or Coordinated

(PORTFOLIO -) Validation Of Our Patented Energy Inventions By SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORY

(PORTFOLIO -) Our Work On The Japanese Tsunami Disaster – March 11, 2011, 2:45PM

(INDUSTRY REPORTS -) Vehicle Energy Solution Innovations And Monopolistic Blockades

(INDUSTRY REPORTS -) Energy Solutions

(PORTFOLIO -) Our Inventions: Our Write-In-The-Air VR Pen

(NOTES – ) Augmented Reality Games And Public Experiential Projects

(PORTFOLIO – ) Our Inventions And Patents: The TOYOTA Future For Electric Vehicles

(PORTFOLIO -) Our Inventions And Patents: The First Operating Global Web Television and Video-On-Demand Network

(PORTFOLIO -) Our Electric Vehicle Energy Systems, Patents And Developments

(INDUSTRY REPORTS -) Solving The Problems With Lithium Ion Battery Technologies For Cars

(PORTFOLIO – ) Seminal Inventions: Facebook – U.S. Patent Office & Case Files Say We Did It First!

(INDUSTRY REPORTS -) Who Invented And Built Certain Big Tech Inventions ‘First’ According To The U.S. Patent Office?

(INDUSTRY REPORTS -) The $200,000.00 Home – You Can Even Build One During This Recession (If You Can Get Past The Permits Blockades)

(TRIBUTE) Team Member Henry Dakin – The Stuffed Toy Millionaire That Became The Secret Behind-The-Scenes Benign Godfather of VR

(PORTFOLIO -) Working With Robert Able, One Of The World’s Greatest Video Producers

(PORTFOLIO -) Our Rapid-Response Team Built The SF Post Quake Center On Emergency Quick-Turn

(PORTFOLIO -) Past Work On The World Cycling Championships

(PORTFOLIO -) Seminal Inventions: Social Networks…Before Google, Facebook, Yahoo, MySpace, Et al …

(PORTFOLIO -) Seminal Inventions: Web Video-On-Demand…Before Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, Sony Vue, Youtube, Et al…

(PORTFOLIO -) Seminal Inventions: First Integrated Virtual Reality Universe System

(PORTFOLIO -) Our Past Innovation Record-Breakers and Industry Firsts!

(PORTFOLIO -) Seminal Inventions: The World Wide Web TV Broadcasting Challenge: U.S. Patent Office & Case Files Say We Did It First!

(PORTFOLIO -) Our VR Beats The Market At The Consumer Electronics Show

(PORTFOLIO -) Work As Chief Of Protocol, Charlotte Mailliard’s City Hall ‘Wizard’

(PORTFOLIO -) Our Vehicle-Manufacturing Platform We Developed And Patented Via A Congressional Contract

(PORTFOLIO) We Produced One Of Ray Charles Last Outdoor Mega Concerts